3 Signs There's Too Much Chlorine In Your Pool

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If you have a swimming pool,you know how important it is to add chlorine to keep it clean and sanitary. However, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, and excessive chlorine in your pool can cause irritation, damage to your pool and equipment and other issues. In fact, excess chlorine can even cause chlorine poisoning, which can make you and your family very sick. Therefore, it’s important to look out for the signs of excess chlorine so that you can do something about this problem if it occurs. Read More»

Three Popular Chinese Plant Species That You Should Never Grow

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Some of the most striking and highly-coveted plants are originally from China. Yet, if you are looking to improve your landscaping aesthetics with Chinese flora, do your research first: some of these plants are extremely dangerous to the native plant and animal life here in America. Three of the most popular, yet environmentally devastating Chinese plants used in American landscaping are Multiflora Roses, Butterfly Bushes, and Chinese Wisteria. Multiflora Rose Read More»

3 Important Factors To Consider When Choosing Blinds

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There are so many different materials you can choose for blinds, so how do you know what to choose? Here are 3 important factors that can help you to choose the right style and material for each window. Sun Exposure First, the amount of sun exposure matters because some materials look worn more easily than others. For example, you should never select a vinyl blind for a room where the sun makes direct contact with the blinds because the vinyl will turn yellow. Read More»

Things To Know When Hiring A Moving Company

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If you are planning on hiring a moving company for the first time, there are some things you should know first. While you probably know the basics, such as choosing between having them pack for you or you packing yourself, getting a quote first, and researching the movers, that isn’t going to cover everything. Here is more information about moving companies and what you need to know beforehand. Ask the Right Questions Read More»

Low-Down Dirty Secrets You Should Know About Chemical Drain Cleaners

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There are few things more frustrating than to be stuck staring at a drain that will not allow dirty water to flow through. You grab the plunger and work hard to shove enough air and water through the lines to relieve the clog, but if that does not work, there is a good chance the next attempt will involve some form of chemical drain cleaner. Sure, you could opt for some type of all-natural green product to eat away at the grime, but chances are you will choose the high-chemical type just because it sounds like it would be more powerful. Read More»