You may want to hold off fixing your air conditioning system because you think you can do without it for awhile. But the truth is living without your air conditioning system during seasons of extreme heat is not a good idea. The following are just a few ways that heat and a malfunctioning air conditioner can hurt you and your family.
Your Overall Mood Might Be Affected
Staying in a hot home with a high level of humidity might affect your mood. Read More»
With the price of heating oil at a new low, you may be enjoying a brief reprieve from your ordinary winter utility rates. However, what goes down must go up again – and if you’ve found that your supply of heating oil seems to be going down more quickly than in past years, it’s possible your home’s insulation has begun to near the end of its lifespan. Read on to learn more about some of the most efficient (and cost-effective) insulation options that can help you significantly extend the lifespan of each tank of heating oil. Read More»
Paper lanterns are inexpensive, beautiful, and versatile. These lanterns can be packed away flat for easy storage, and they come in a wide variety of colors, sizes, and shapes. You can purchase paper lanterns online and they make a great decoration for all kinds of different events. Here are a few ways you can get creative with your paper lanterns and add some beauty and interest to your next event or decor. Read More»
If you’re worried your body won’t be able to keep up with the demands of the working world for much longer, but aren’t sure you and your spouse have saved enough of a nest egg to comfortably retire, you may be concerned about your next steps. Fortunately, by selling a home with high carrying costs and moving toward a much simpler lifestyle, you may be able to leave the workforce sooner than anticipated. Read More»
Hard water can cause a number of issues around your home. It can make your toilets, sinks and bathtubs sport an ugly. rusty ring. Your white shirts start turning yellow with each passing wash. Your dishes come out with nasty spots on them from the added minerals in the water. All in all, hard water can be a real pain. Yet, many people still won’t turn to a water softener for their home because of something negative they heard about the systems. Read More»